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Help 4 HD TV - Episode 1

Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Katie Jackson: Hi everyone, and welcome to the very first episode of Help 4 HD TV. We all know with COVID 19 that we are feeling even isolated, more so than we would regularly. So, we decided to launch a new program where we could see each other and we could talk about different subjects. We're going to start out with Katrina Hamel and I because it makes sense to test this before we bring on guests because we have to learn the platform and what we are doing first.

Like for instance, looking at cameras and people is very difficult. This is new to us so bear with us. We are going to do the best we can. Some topics that we think we are going to talk about topics like placement and hospice fears, in home care services, food ideas, which I'm hoping we come to you in Katrina Hamel's kitchen because she is amazing at making food taste good. I'm not, so I'm going to watch that. We're going to talk about some adaptive things, participating in clinical trials and traveling. People coming to your house, which we're not doing right now. Us going to other people's house, which we're not doing right now, but these are just some topics that we should be probably talking about right now. So, when we are able to start traveling again and meeting up again, we will be ready.


Katrina Hamel: I look forward to embarking on this new adventure with everyone. If you guys have any additional topics that you'd like us to discuss, either the two of us or possibly a professional that you're interested in hearing from, we would love to hear your ideas and you can get ahold of either Katie or I to, tell us what you guys think.

Katie Jackson: Another thing is that these are going to be very short segments. We're going to do about five minutes a piece, so they're going to be very, very quick. For more extended information and longer shows, you guys are going to want to, check out the radio show.

About the radio show... Quick plug, we're available on Spotify, iHeart radio, iTunes, blog talk. You can find us anywhere. Katrina, is great at Facebook Live-ing and I share it out. Hopefully you guys are seeing it not only on social media, but also on the platforms that we have the show hosted on right now.

Katrina Hamel: If you would like to see any more of our short videos, with all these different topics that Katie mentioned, please visit our new YouTube channel, which is Help 4 HD TV and subscribe there so that you can continue receiving updates on our new videos.

Katie Jackson: Definitely guys, check out and subscribe. I'm not really used to YouTube. I think there's something like subscribe and I think there's like ring a bell or something. We're going to get used to this and get it down.

Katrina Hamel: Like our video, subscribe.

Katie Jackson: But we'll be talking about very cool subject matter. So, make sure you guys tune in and check it out.

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